inspired by rebels

energy sources, energy sinks

finding your energy sources and energy sinks is a lifelong quest — call it gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever.

cheerful dogs, insightful conversations, writing blogs, good music, and great sex, to name a few, fill me with energy.

dramatic people, corrupt hierarchies, meaningless work, preachy gatherings, and a few more things drain my energy. there are things like getting sick, but i'll leave those out for now.

i failed to apply “manage your energy, not your time” to my life. i mean, i get what they are trying to tell me, but i was so out of tune with my emotional state that i never understood my energy state.

emotion is energy in motion. you need to be sensitive to your emotional state and reactions to find your energy sources and energy sinks. you have to be able to admit the truth and not lie to yourself when you feel the energy shift.

your time is limited; there is no way you can optimize it. but you can optimize your energy — you need to find, or rather discover, hobbies, people, and more that fill you with energy and leave behind the rest.

i have created a room for experimentation without fear of failure. just by doing this, i'll be able to iterate toward my energy sources and avoid energy sinks.

it’s fascinating that your entire physiology is uniquely positioned to find energy sources and avoid energy sinks. they are not exactly the same for any two individuals. that’s what makes us unique, and that’s what makes us live a great life.

wish you luck in finding yours!

#life #psychology #time