inspired by rebels

tyrannical hierarchy sucker punches creatives

in a tyrannical hierarchy, freedom of expression is unwelcome. power is the only currency, everything is too orderly, and information is controlled.

the most affected here are creatives, the people who question the status quo and who push things forward.

the creatives here die, either suddenly or, worse yet, slowly by being pushed to the bottom of the rung.

in a tyrannical home, a creative boy is pressured to give up on his dreams. a beautiful wife is shamed for being seductive. a daughter is controlled for everything she does.

such a home lacks health and happiness. everyone is walking on eggshells, and there is no peace of mind.

in a tyrannical community, all animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others. manipulators get the better end of the bargain. self-expression is a martyr.

such a community serves no justice. lies are part of their everyday language. instead of adopting novel ideas, people revert to superstition and useless rituals.

in a tyrannical enterprise, a designer cannot think out of the box. a writer does not have a unique voice. a marketer cannot take public risks. all creatives are micromanaged with the fear of stopping something radical.

such an enterprise loses its competitive edge and becomes irrelevant soon. they don't have innovative products, cannot launch amaze-worthy marketing, or have stellar numbers. they become zombies. ironically, some startups are tyrannical from day 1.

in a tyrannical state, an entrepreneur cannot start a successful business, a jester cannot speak the truth, a musician cannot inspire revolution, and a cartoonist cannot make offensive cartoons.

such a state succumbs to violence and corruption. no accountability whatsoever. the state controls its people with freebies, and the state is drunk on power.

sometimes, with a sliver of luck, de-tyranization can happen. when it does, you can see the creatives coming back, and often they help in fighting against the tyrannical state. they inspire people. they write great speeches. they compose goosebump-worthy music. they dance to bring people together.

i'm not going to give you a long list of qualities in a tyrannical hierarchy, and you get the gist. i hope this essay acts as a reminder to appreciate a stable hierarchy and stops you from slipping into tyranny.

a right leader on the top is like the sun on a spring day: not too hot, not too dull, just about right. a stable hierarchy is such, and it protects and nurtures creatives.

as a creative, never let your ability to append the status quo go away. cherish it and find a home where it's appreciated.

p.s. de-tyranization is not a word, but what is the point if i don't exercise some creative freedom? ;)

#creativity #freedom #politics